Thursday, July 21, 2005

Words from Members

"I learned the meaning of "simple happiness".  Very often, it is a simple and unconditional act of kindness that is most appreciated by the receiver of that kindness …Also, the experience gained from WeCare's activities has taught me to be more appreciative and contented with what life has offered."


"Eventhough I am quite busy with my work for the past one year plus, I still feel that doing charity is something which really will make us happy, therefore I hope that WeCare can do more in the near future"

-Beng Chong-

"Over the months, I only spent a little of my time and a bit of my money for WeCare but, the returns of happiness and smiles from the people we help are immense. This is the power of givings, nothing can give us such wonderful feelings..."

-Soo Aun-

"Its easy to say that we love, but difficult is to show it; Its easy to receive, but difficult is to give. However through WeCare, I overcome these difficulties"

-Pey San-

"I never thought that a simple thank you could touch my heart so deeply and bring tears to my eyes."

-Suan Bee-

"feel free to support, feel free to help and feel free to give ..........WeCare."

-Yau Hiang-

光阴似箭, 转眼间 WeCare 又一岁了.


有幸 WeCare 还能帮助这群无辜及不幸的人.



-Seok Gim-

以前, 很用心的设计一些玩意儿来叫大家都感动. 一些季节性的节日也会一块儿庆祝. 周末更是聚在一块儿做做年轻人的玩意儿: 听 live band, 喝连锁店咖啡, 旅游等等. 还会一整排座位都被我们坐满的看电影. 现在呢, 则更聚在一起做些有意义及健康意识性质的活动: 慈善的活动, 学气功, 练书法. 后来决定成立一个团体, WeCare 这个名称还是做在 Coffee Bean 想出来的. 并且也在网上blog了一角.社会关怀服务也付了微小的力量. 这样的成长着: 十多岁的成长了二十多岁, 二十多岁的成长至三十多岁 / 吃喝玩乐的精神继续提升, 好棒的我们. 加油!

-Yee Mun-


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